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bwb_mes.h Header File for Natural-Language-Specific
Text Messages for Bywater BASIC Interpreter
Copyright (c) 1992, Ted A. Campbell
Bywater Software
P. O. Box 4023
Duke Station
Durham, NC 27706
email: tcamp@acpub.duke.edu
Copyright and Permissions Information:
All U.S. and international copyrights are claimed by the
author. The author grants permission to use this code
and software based on it under the following conditions:
(a) in general, the code and software based upon it may be
used by individuals and by non-profit organizations; (b) it
may also be utilized by governmental agencies in any country,
with the exception of military agencies; (c) the code and/or
software based upon it may not be sold for a profit without
an explicit and specific permission from the author, except
that a minimal fee may be charged for media on which it is
copied, and for copying and handling; (d) the code must be
distributed in the form in which it has been released by the
author; and (e) the code and software based upon it may not
be used for illegal activities.
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
/* Define only one of the following as TRUE: if none is defined,
standard ENGLISH will be taken as the default */
#define ENGLISH TRUE /* standard English */
#define POL_ENGLISH FALSE /* polite English messages */
#define IMP_ENGLISH FALSE /* impolite English messages */
#define LATIN FALSE /* Latin language messages */
The following Latin conventions are used:
acies datorum array (of data)
crusta shell
litteras (character) string
memoria mutabilis RAM
organum device
ordo line
praeceptum command
praecepta program (commands)
praecepta interna operating system
praeceptellum function
tabula file
#define MES_SIGNON "Interpres et Crusta <Super Flumina> ad linguam BASIC, versionis"
#define MES_COPYRIGHT "Iure proprio scriptoris (c) 1992, Eduardi de Campobello"
#define MES_LANGUAGE "Cum nuntiis latinis ab ipso E. de C."
#define PROMPT "bwBASIC:"
#define ERROR_HEADER "ERRANT praecepta in ordine"
#define MATHERR_HEADER "ERRANT praecepta"
#define MES_BREAK "Intermittuntur praecepta in ordine"
#define ERR_OPENFILE "Non patet tabula quod <%s> vocatur"
#define ERR_GETMEM "Deest memoria mutabilis"
#define ERR_LINENO "Non adicitur novus ordo praeceptorum"
#define ERR_LNNOTFOUND "Non invenitur ordo praeceptorum <%d>"
#define ERR_LOADNOFN "LOAD requirit nomen ad tabulam"
#define ERR_NOLN "Non invenitur ordo praeceptorum"
#define ERR_NOFN "Non invenitur nomen ad tabulam"
#define ERR_INCOMPLETE "Praeceptum imcompletum"
#define ERR_ONNOGOTO "ON sine GOTO sive GOSUB"
#define ERR_VALOORANGE "Numerus in praeceptis excedit fines"
#define ERR_SYNTAX "Non sequunter praecepta"
#define ERR_DEVNUM "Numerus ad organum invalidum est"
#define ERR_DEV "Errat organum"
#define ERR_OPSYS "Errant praecepta interna"
#define ERR_ARGSTR "Praeceptum requirit litteras"
#define ERR_DEFCHAR "ad varium definiendum"
#define ERR_MISMATCH "Non congruunt typus"
#define ERR_DIMNOTARRAY "Praeceptum requirit nomen ad aciem datorum"
#define ERR_OD "Desunt data"
#define ERR_OVERFLOW "Data excedunt fines"
#define ERR_NF "NEXT sine FOR"
#define ERR_UF "Non definitur praeceptellum"
#define ERR_DBZ "Non licet divisio ab nihilo"
#define ERR_REDIM "Non licet varium iterum definiendum"
#define ERR_OBDIM "Debet OPTION BASE procedere DIM"
#define ERR_UC "Praeceptum incognitum est"
#define MES_SIGNON "Bywater BASIC Interpreter/Shell, version"
#define MES_COPYRIGHT "Copyright (c) 1992, Ted A. Campbell"
#define MES_LANGUAGE "Polite English messages courtesy of t.a.c."
#define PROMPT "How may we help you?"
#define ERROR_HEADER "Very sorry. There is a problem in line"
#define MATHERR_HEADER "We have a small problem"
#define MES_BREAK "At your request, the program has been interrupted at line"
#define ERR_OPENFILE "I'm afraid we have failed \nto open file %s."
#define ERR_GETMEM "I'm afraid we have failed \nto find sufficient memory."
#define ERR_LINENO "I'm afraid we have failed \nto link line number."
#define ERR_LNNOTFOUND "I'm afraid that we \ncannot find line number %d."
#define ERR_LOADNOFN "Could you perhaps specify \nwhich file you wish to be loaded?"
#define ERR_NOLN "It would help greatly \nif there were a line number here."
#define ERR_NOFN "It would help greatly \nif there were a file name here."
#define ERR_RETNOGOSUB "Is it possible \nthat there is a RETURN without a GOSUB here?"
#define ERR_INCOMPLETE "I'm afraid that the statement\nappears to be incomplete."
#define ERR_ONNOGOTO "It appears that there is an ON \nwithout a corresponding GOTO or GOSUB statement."
#define ERR_VALOORANGE "A value given here \nseems to be out of range."
#define ERR_SYNTAX "Could it be \nthat there is a syntax error at this point?"
#define ERR_DEVNUM "The device or file \nnumber here does not seem to be correct."
#define ERR_DEV "There appears \nto have been an error addressing the file or device \nwhich you requested."
#define ERR_OPSYS "A most unfortunate error \nseems to have been generated by the computer's operating system."
#define ERR_ARGSTR "Could you perhaps \nsupply a string argument at this point?"
#define ERR_DEFCHAR "The variable definition \nat this point appears to have an improper argument."
#define ERR_MISMATCH "It would appear \nthat something in this statement is rather seriously mismatched."
#define ERR_DIMNOTARRAY "Could you perhaps \nsupply an array name for the argument at this point?"
#define ERR_OD "Oh dear, we seem to have no more data to read now."
#define ERR_OVERFLOW "Subhuman devices \ndo have their limits, and we're afraid that at this point \nthe limits of Bywater BASIC have been exceeded."
#define ERR_NF "There seems to be \na NEXT statement without a corresponding FOR statement. Could you check on it?"
#define ERR_UF "It would appear \nthat the function named at this point has not been defined."
#define ERR_DBZ "Unfortunately, \ndivision by zero can cause dreadful problems in a computer."
#define ERR_REDIM "We're very sorry \nto say that a variable such as this cannot be redimensioned."
#define ERR_OBDIM "It would be ever so helpful \nif the OPTION BASE statement were to be called prior to the DIM statement."
#define ERR_UC "I'm afraid that \nwe are unable to recognize the command you have given here."
#define MES_SIGNON "Bywater BASIC Interpreter/Shell, version"
#define MES_COPYRIGHT "Watch it: Copyright (c) 1992, Ted A. Campbell"
#define MES_LANGUAGE "Impolite English messages courtesy of Oscar the Grouch"
#define PROMPT "(*sigh) What now?"
#define MES_BREAK "Only a geek like you would interrupt this program at line"
#define ERR_OPENFILE "Ha ha! I can't open file %s. Too bad, sucker."
#define ERR_GETMEM "There isn't near enough memory \nfor this lunacy."
#define ERR_LINENO "You jerk: \nyou entered a non-existent line number."
#define ERR_LNNOTFOUND "You total idiot. \nLine number %d isn't there. HA!"
#define ERR_LOADNOFN "Get out of here. \nNo way to load that file."
#define ERR_NOLN "Dumb bozo: you need to put \na LINE NUMBER here. Hint: Can you count?"
#define ERR_NOFN "Nerd of the year. \nYou forgot to enter a file name. \nWhy don't you learn BASIC and come back in a year?"
#define ERR_RETNOGOSUB "Oh come on, total amateur. \nYou've got a RETURN without a GOSUB"
#define ERR_INCOMPLETE "Dimwit. Why don't you \ncomplete the statement here for a change."
#define ERR_ONNOGOTO "You failed again: \nON without a GOTO or GOSUB."
#define ERR_VALOORANGE "Go home, beginner. \nThe value here is way out of range."
#define ERR_SYNTAX "Sure sign of a fourth-rate programmer: \nThis makes no sense at all."
#define ERR_DEVNUM "Way to go, space cadet. \nThe device (or file) number here is totally in orbit."
#define ERR_DEV "HO! The file or device \n you requested says: DROP DEAD."
#define ERR_OPSYS "You obviously don't know \nwhat this computer can or can't do."
#define ERR_ARGSTR "Do you have big ears? \n(Like Dumbo?) You obviously need a string argument at this point."
#define ERR_DEFCHAR "Amazing. Surely children \nknow how to form a corrent argument here."
#define ERR_MISMATCH "No way, turkey. \nThe statement here is TOTALLY mismatched."
#define ERR_DIMNOTARRAY "Incredible. Why don't you \nsuppy an ARRAY NAME where the prograqm calls for an ARRAY NAME? (Or just go home.)"
#define ERR_OD "Have you ever studied BASIC before? \nYou've run out of data."
#define ERR_OVERFLOW "Congratulations on writing a program \nthat totally exceeds all limits."
#define ERR_NF "Go back to kindergarten: \nYou have a NEXT statement FOR."
#define ERR_UF "Trash. Total trash. \nDefine your stupid functions before calling them."
#define ERR_DBZ "Obviously, you'll never be a programmer. \nYou've tried division by zero here."
#define ERR_REDIM "You just don't understand: \nyou cannot redimension this variable."
#define ERR_OBDIM "Dork. You called OPTION BASE after DIM. \nLeave me alone."
#define ERR_UC "What do you think this is? \nTry entering a BASIC command here."
/* Standard English is taken as a default: if MES_SIGNON is not defined by
this time (i.e., by some other language definition), then
the following standard English definitions are utilized. */
#ifndef MES_SIGNON
#define MES_SIGNON "Bywater BASIC Interpreter/Shell, version"
#define MES_COPYRIGHT "Copyright (c) 1992, Ted A. Campbell"
#define MES_LANGUAGE "Default English-Language Messages"
#define PROMPT "bwBASIC:"
#define ERROR_HEADER "ERROR in line"
#define MES_BREAK "Program interrupted at line"
#define ERR_OPENFILE "Failed to open file %s"
#define ERR_GETMEM "Failed to find memory"
#define ERR_LINENO "Failed to link line number"
#define ERR_LNNOTFOUND "Line number %d not found"
#define ERR_LOADNOFN "LOAD: no filename specified"
#define ERR_NOLN "No line number"
#define ERR_NOFN "No file name"
#define ERR_INCOMPLETE "Incomplete statement"
#define ERR_ONNOGOTO "ON without GOTO or GOSUB"
#define ERR_VALOORANGE "Value is out of range"
#define ERR_SYNTAX "Syntax error"
#define ERR_DEVNUM "Invalid device number"
#define ERR_DEV "Device error"
#define ERR_OPSYS "Error in operating system command"
#define ERR_ARGSTR "Argument must be a string"
#define ERR_DEFCHAR "Incorrect argument for variable definition"
#define ERR_MISMATCH "Type mismatch"
#define ERR_DIMNOTARRAY "Argument is not an array name"
#define ERR_OD "Out of data"
#define ERR_OVERFLOW "Overflow"
#define ERR_NF "NEXT without FOR"
#define ERR_UF "Undefined function"
#define ERR_DBZ "Divide by zero"
#define ERR_REDIM "Variable cannot be redimensioned"
#define ERR_OBDIM "OPTION BASE must be called prior to DIM"
#define ERR_UC "Unknown command"
extern char err_openfile[];
extern char err_getmem[];
extern char err_noln[];
extern char err_nofn[];
extern char err_lnnotfound[];
extern char err_incomplete[];
extern char err_valoorange[];
extern char err_syntax[];
extern char err_devnum[];
extern char err_dev[];
extern char err_opsys[];
extern char err_argstr[];
extern char err_defchar[];
extern char err_mismatch[];
extern char err_dimnotarray[];
extern char err_od[];
extern char err_overflow[];
extern char err_nf[];
extern char err_uf[];
extern char err_dbz[];
extern char err_redim[];
extern char err_obdim[];
extern char err_uc[];